Sep 26, 2013
A shawtee ep but a GOOD ONE!
We tease next week's EXTRA-SPECIAL GUEST!
This week's new movie review is the AMAZING Prisoners which Carson
tries to get me to spoil for him.
We answer YOUR tweets and e-mails. Interact with the show by
Tweeting @IHeardThatWasGd, leaving a comment on or e-mailing...
Sep 19, 2013
We start off with a weekend recap and the various stages of
Carson Drunkeness.
This week's new movie review: The Spectacular Now
We examine the career of Paul Dano, respond to some tweets and
comments, Cardinal Cinematic Sins, the mystery of Grease 2, movies
with Mom AND MORE!
Interact with the show! What's the...
Sep 12, 2013
V joins us for another ep with no new movie review. The drought
will end soon, we hope. V gives us his take on some recent rentals
and we get into it again about my most despised movie of the year
so far.
Moovie Newz about Jurassic Park 4, Pirates 5, Dumb and Dumber 2,
Plus, bad impressions, good Johnny Depp...
Sep 5, 2013
If you thought episode 40 was good, wait until you hear this
one! So much funny!
No new movie review this week because I've pretty seen everything
out now that doesn't suck. This week's movies all suck too.
But, there are a couple recent home viewing releases I'm forced to
rail against and remind everyone they are...